Frogs in my throat

2:37 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
It's 2:30AM, I'm sick and I can't sleep so I'm looking up old music I heard when I was growing up. This one is called "Les Crapauds," or "the Toads." Not the loveliest of topics you'd think, but it's oddly one of the most beautiful songs I know.

A sample translation (part of the last verse):

When the moon plates varnished lacquer on the calm pools of the pale marshland
Then symbolic and melancolic, our slow hymn rises from the lilypads

That doesn't do it justice, though. In French it seems to be possible to be flowery without sounding cheesy.


DrSunshine said...

Ah French. I believe that the floweriness-sans-cheesiness comes from the fact that the language IS flowery in and of itself, while English is a somewhat coarser language, and hence, floweriness can be reasonably taken as given.