Kinect NITE Mac OS X

10:30 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
Just got skeleton tracking from Kinect data up and running on my Mac. There's a lot out there on this topic right now including several completely different drivers and it took me forever to figure out what I was supposed to install and in what order--so I figured I'd document it. Though in the end most of this is from the SensorKinect (see below) README, which has additional useful info. This post: was also useful in explaining what all the different pieces were for.

Here's what I did:

Make sure you have Xcode 3.2.5.

1) OpenNI (the framework)
Install MacPorts (this may take a while)
sudo port install libtool
sudo port install libusb-devel +universal

Follow instructions in OpenNI install file:
Building OpenNI:
a) Go into the directory: "Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist".
Run the script: "./RedistMaker".
This will compile everything and create a redist package in the "Platform/Linux-x86/Redist" directory.
It will also create a distribution in the "Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist/Final" directory.
b) Go into the directory: "Platform/Linux-x86/Redist".
Run the script: "sudo ./"

2) NITE (skeleton tracking module)
Download NITE for OS X from here:
Use license key in SensorKinect README
(in <...>/Nite- run:
sudo ./

3) SensorKinect (Kinect driver)
Download SensorKinect from here:
Follow instructions in SensorKinect install file:
Building Sensor:
a) Go into the directory: "Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist".
Run the script: "./RedistMaker".
This will compile everything and create a redist package in the "Platform/Linux-x86/Redist" directory.
It will also create a distribution in the "Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist/Final" directory.
b) Go into the directory: "Platform/Linux-x86/Redist".
Run the script: "sudo ./"

Run <...>/OpenNI-OpenNI-ea12479/Platform/Linux-x86/Redist/Samples/Bin/Release/Sample-NiUserTracker
Stand in calibration pose.


Caroline said...

Thanks for the info! Do you happen to know if it is possible to export the kinect skeleton as motion tracking data and then import it into a program like 3ds Max?