Computer mice torture

8:57 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
I read about many conceptual technology/media arts installations, and I'm not impressed by a lot of them. This one I liked. It's a little desktop application that plays videos of computer mice being destroyed in rather cruel ways (water, a power drill...). While the video plays, the application takes over your cursor and replicates the cursor movements made by the dying mouse. The movement across the screen becomes the ghost of the mouse, a small preserved final scream. At one point I accidentally clicked on another window while one of the videos was playing, causing it to block my view of the video. Since I didn't have control of the cursor I couldn't get the application screen back, so I was stuck watching the cursor flail wildly while hearing buzzing and crunching sounds coming from the hidden video. Honestly think it added to the effect. If my trackpad ever goes bad, rather than seeming like a mechanical failure it's going to feel like ghostly possession. Perhaps by a mouse I used to own? If it weren't for serious invasiveness issues they should have their application automatically trigger another cursor hijacking a little time after it's first downloaded and played. It would also be interesting to see what it would be like to run the application without forewarning of what it was going to do.

Edit: Oh, right, source. Came across that on "We Make Money Not Art".


em said...

it'd be cool if the actual mouse (like in your hand) vibrated at certain Wii you know?