Dark Knight Part II
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I went to see the movie again and have to amend my previous statements a little bit. I caught a lot more, including Joker bits that I kept my eyes open for this time around. There's still some level on which he's not quite believable to me. I'm not quite sure how to explain it but I think it's that I couldn't quite make sense of his madness. Where I realized he was brilliant was that his character in a bizarre way inspires sympathy at some moments. He describes himself as reasonable even though it's all insanity and cruelty. It's like the cat sweetly telling the mouse he's doing him a favor even as he eats him. Something about his sheepish "hi" to Harvey Dent in the hospital...he's play-acting but he means it.
The scene in the building with the SWAT team had gone totally over my head the first time...what happens is that the Joker succeeds in turning everything upside down. The captives are the bad guys, the shooters are the good guys, Batman has to fight the cops to keep them from killing who they're trying to save. Brilliant.
I started crying at the /exact/ same moment after seeing it the second time (as soon as Gordon's wife starts screaming...and then harder when I find out what Batman has to become). I think filmmakers have magical buttons, someone may have to enlighten me.
P. S. I was seriously pretty sad about the Rachel thing, fictional character though she may be. Know what made me feel much better? Youtube videos setting a sequence of dramatic shots of Bruce/Harvey/Rachel to very heart-wrenching music. Seriously, people. Reminds me of this (essentially the same thing for the movie version of The Fountainhead), which I'm still laughing about. Be sure not to miss the very end of the video!
No offense meant to any of the video creators, it looks like a daunting amount of work compiling those clips and making it all match the music. They mostly prompted me to laugh at myself for taking it a bit too seriously. :) ...although I still say Ayn Rand would be spinning in her grave at the music chosen for the Domenique one (Roark thinking a woman out of his league??)
The scene in the building with the SWAT team had gone totally over my head the first time...what happens is that the Joker succeeds in turning everything upside down. The captives are the bad guys, the shooters are the good guys, Batman has to fight the cops to keep them from killing who they're trying to save. Brilliant.
I started crying at the /exact/ same moment after seeing it the second time (as soon as Gordon's wife starts screaming...and then harder when I find out what Batman has to become). I think filmmakers have magical buttons, someone may have to enlighten me.
P. S. I was seriously pretty sad about the Rachel thing, fictional character though she may be. Know what made me feel much better? Youtube videos setting a sequence of dramatic shots of Bruce/Harvey/Rachel to very heart-wrenching music. Seriously, people. Reminds me of this (essentially the same thing for the movie version of The Fountainhead), which I'm still laughing about. Be sure not to miss the very end of the video!
No offense meant to any of the video creators, it looks like a daunting amount of work compiling those clips and making it all match the music. They mostly prompted me to laugh at myself for taking it a bit too seriously. :) ...although I still say Ayn Rand would be spinning in her grave at the music chosen for the Domenique one (Roark thinking a woman out of his league??)
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